Sabiston & Spencer Surgery of the Chest free medical book download

Book Publisher: Saunders
ISBN: 0721600921
Book author: Frank Sellke, Scott Swanson, Pedro del Nido

Book Description:
A brand-new team of editors and a multitude of new international contributors have completely revamped and updated Sabiston and Spencer’s classic reference work. The result is today’s only comprehensive, up-to-date collection of all essential clinical knowledge in cardiac and thoracic surgery. The contents have been reorganized into three major sectionsAdult Cardiac Surgery, Pediatric Cardiac Surgery, and Thoracic Surgery. And, more than 50 new chapters have been added to reflect important changes within this rapidly evolving field, including both surgical and medical therapeutic approaches. More than 1,500 illustrations, nearly all of them new to this edition, help to clarify key concepts.


Cardiac Surgery in the Adult free medical book download

Product Details
Book Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional
ISBN: 0071391290
Book author: Louis Henry Edmunds, Lawrence H. Cohn
Amazon Rating: 5.0

Book Description:
The definitive resource covering all aspects of heart surgery in adults! With over 1,100 step-by-step illustrations detailing each procedure, this comprehensive text provides guidance through all the operations and operative techniques of the discipline. This edition features renewed emphasis on minimally invasive procedures as well as a large amount of new illustrations depicting the surgical anatomy.


Kaplan's Cardiac Anesthesia free medical book dwonload

Publisher: Saunders
Number Of Pages: 1424
Publication Date: 2006-03-17
Sales Rank: 219302
ISBN / ASIN: 1416002537

Book Description:
Dr. Kaplan and a multitude of other eminent specialists have completely updated and revised the 5th Edition of this definitive bible of cardiac anesthesia. They present detailed information on all the latest techniques, and offer the essential guidance readers need when administering anesthesia to cardiac surgery patients as well as cardiac patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery. Inside, readers will find 12 new chapters plus all other chapters extensively updated, three renowned new associate editorsDr. David L. Reich, Dr. Carol L. Lake, and Dr. Steven N. Konstadtand detailed discussions of the hottest topics.


pass: (if required) Lekar or lekar

Therapeutic Strategies in Cardiovascular Risk free medical book download

* Publisher: Clinical Publishing
* Number Of Pages: 300
* Publication Date: 2008-06-30
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1904392644
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781904392644
* Binding: Hardcover

Product Description:
In this volume the authors demonstrate how an ability to measure and quantify risk enables us to isolate key predictors of morbidity and informsthe formulation of appropriate treatment strategies.


Beasley's Surgery of the Hand free medical book download

Beasley's Surgery of the Hand
By Robert W., M.D. Beasley

Publisher : Thieme Medical Publishers
Number Of Pages: 531
Publication Date: 2003-10
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1588901610
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781588901613
Binding: Hardcover

Product Description:
While new techniques and instruments are constantly being developed, the fundamental concepts and principles of hand surgery remain the basic components of every surgeon's knowledge. This book provides the vital information needed to perform all types of hand surgery, including a guiding philosophy and systemic approach that reduce even the most difficult problems to manageable solutions. Written by world-renowned hand surgeon Robert W. Beasley, the book shares his 40 years of clinical experience and vast knowledge to help you make strong and effective surgical decisions. The text is augmented by nearly 1,400 exquisite, high-quality illustrations that explain important points and give meaning to theoretical concepts. Clinical photographs depict the entire process from initial problem through post-surgical results, and the anatomical drawings were created by award-winning artist and illustrator Leon Dorn especially for this book.

Progress in Colorectal Surgery free medical book dwonload

Author: John Beynon (Editor), Nicholas D. Carr (Editor)

Product Details
pages: 299 pages
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 1852336773
Format: PDF
Size: 3 MB

Progress in Colorectal Surgery covers a variety of topics of current interest to the colorectal specialist. Thirteen areas are covered by internationally renowned experts and include chapters on topics such as referral guidelines for rectal bleeding, difficult intra-operative problems in pelvic surgery, advances in the medical treatment of Crohn's disease, adjuvant treatment for colorectal malignancy, thorough overview of modern developments in the surgical treatment of disorders of the lower intestine including ulcerative colitis/severe acute colitis and innovations in the treatment of fecal incontinence. Recognizing that the surgeon does not work in isolation, the book also integrates recent progress in imaging techniques for the anal canal and rectum, and highlights medico-legal considerations. Aimed at current practitioners and trainees, the book discusses key concepts that will assist general surgeons and colorectal consultants in their management of patients with a broad spectrum of anorectal and colonic disorders. With a problem-oriented slant, this book is essential reading for all those with an interest in coloproctology.
pass: lekar

pass: lekar

Benign Anorectal Diseases: Diagnosis with Endoanal and Endorectal Ultrasonography and New Treatment Options free medical book dwonlaod

Product Details
Book Publisher: Springer (11 April, 2006)
ISBN: 8847003369
Book author: Giulio Aniello Santoro, Giuseppe Di Falco, Gian Gaetano Delaini, Nadia Simeoni

Book Description:
New three-dimensional endoanal and endorectal ultrasonographic and magnetic resonance imaging techniques have given better insight into the complex anatomy of the pelvic floor and its pathologic modification in benign anorectal diseases. Obstetrical events leading to fecal incontinence in females, the relationship between fistulous tracks and the sphincter complex, and mechanisms of obstructed defecation syndrome can now be accurately evaluated, which is of fundamental importance for decision making. Thanks to improvements in the diagnosis of these disorders, new forms of treatment have been developed with better outcome for patients. This book is aimed at general and colorectal surgeons, radiologists, gastroenterologists and gynecologists with a special interest in this field. It is also relevant to everyone who wants to improve their understanding of the fundamental principles of pelvic floor disorders.


Pelvic Floor Dysfunction: A Multidisciplinary Approach free medical book download
Pelvic Floor Dysfunction: A Multidisciplinary Approach

Product Details
»Book Publisher: Springer (17 November, 2005)
»ISBN: 1852337303
»Book author: G. Willy Davila, Gamal M. Ghoniem, Steven D. Wexner

Book Description:
This book provides the most up-to-date and comprehensive aspects of evaluation and therapy of female pelvic floor dysfunction. It is edited by well-known international surgeons with clinical practices within one tertiary referral institution, the Pelvic Floor Center at Cleveland Clinic Florida in Weston (Fort Lauderdale), Florida which serves as a National and International referral center for women with symptomatic pelvic floor problems. Recognized worldwide for its excellence, Cleveland Clinic departments of Gynecology, Urology, and Colorectal Surgery have combined their expertise in producing this text.


The Clinician’s Guide to Gastrointestinal Oncology free medical book download

Product Details
Book Publisher: Slack Incorporated (15 May, 2005)
ISBN: 1556426828
Book author: Michael Kochman

Book Description:
The Clinician’s Guide to Gastrointestinal Oncology is a unique practical reference for the management of patients with gastrointestinal malignancies and pre-malignant conditions. The high incidence of colorectal cancer coupled with the growing recognition of Barrett’s esophagus has led to a growing need for a resource explaining how to screen and manage these and other patients with gastrointestinal neoplasia.
Dr. Michael Kochman, with contributions from other recognized experts of diverse gastrointestinal backgrounds, uses a multidisciplinary approach in presenting the necessary information to optimally manage patients. A balanced approach allows the reader to quickly synthesize an individualized care plan based upon the recommendations of highly skilled professionals. Part of The Clinician’s Guide to GI Series, this text also serves as a reference for clinicians to be able to quickly discuss the epidemiology and natural history of these conditions.

The broad range of topics covered, combined with the breadth of knowledge shared from renowned experts, provides a full spectrum of information necessary to properly care for a wide range of patients. Helpful features include TNM staging tables that help the reader choose appropriate treatment options as well as color, radiographic, and endoscopic photographs that highlight significant clinical points.
The Clinician’s Guide to Gastrointestinal Oncology is the ideal resource for internists, gastroenterologists, surgeons, and oncologists looking to keep pace with the latest treatment options for an array of neoplastic gastrointestinal conditions.

Topics Include:
Management of pre-malignant conditions of the GI tract including colonic polyps and Barrett’s esophagus The role of endoscopic and radiologic interventional techniques Nutrition support Pain management Current strategies for the medical and surgical approaches to the GI malignancies


Ambulatory Colorectal Surgery free medical book download

* Publisher: Informa HealthCare
* Number Of Pages: 424
* Publication Date: 2008-11-24
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0824727924
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780824727925

Product Description:
A great single-source reference encompassing all aspects of colorectal surgery, Ambulatory Colorectal Surgery.


Essential Practice of Surgery free medical book download,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA240_SH20_OU15_.jpg

Jehhfrey A Norton, «Essential Practice of Surgery»Springer ISBN 0387955100 2003 PDF 7 Mb 776 PagesA condensed version of the critically acclaimed "Surgery: Basic Science and Clinical Evidence," Essential Practice of Surgery provides a state-of-the-art, evidence-based approach to surgery for surgeons, residents and medical students. The book is divided into 8 comprehensive sections, providing the most succinct coverage of critical topics: Care of the Surgical Patient; Gastrointestinal & Abdominal Disease; Endocrine Surgery; Vascular Surgery; Cardiothoracic Surgery; Transplantation; Cancer; and Associated Disciplines. Over 250 illustrations and 340 tables, including 62 evidence-based tables, complement the text.

Emergency War Surgery(3rd &2nd united states revision) free medical book download

Produced by the US Army in 2004, this outstanding textbook addresses the appropriate medical management of such typical military wounds as blast injuries, burns and multiple penetrating injuries. It also guides the treatment of other battle and non-battle injuries.
Chapter 1: Weapons Effects and Parachute Injuries
Chapter 2: Levels of Medical Care
Chapter 3: Triage
Chapter 4: Aeromedical Evacuation
Chapter 5: Airway/Breathing
Chapter 6: Hemorrhage Control
Chapter 7: Shock and Resuscitation
Chapter 8: Vascular Access
Chapter 9: Anesthesia
Chapter 10: Infections
Chapter 11: Critical Care
Chapter 12: Damage Control Surgery
Chapter 13: Face and Neck Injuries
Chapter 14: Ocular Injuries
Chapter 15: Head Injuries
Chapter 16: Thoracic Injuries
Chapter 17: Abdominal Injuries
Chapter 18: Genitourinary Tract Injuries
Chapter 19: Gynecologic Trauma and Emergencies
Chapter 20:Wounds and Injuries of the Column and Cord
Chapter 21: Pelvic Injuries
Chapter 22: Soft-Tissue Injuries
Chapter 23: Extremity Fractures
Chapter 24: Open-Joint Injuries
Chapter 25: Amputations
Chapter 26: Injuries to the Hands and Feet
Chapter 27: Vascular Injuries
Chapter 28: Burns
Chapter 29: Environmental Injuries
Chapter 30: Radiological Injuries
Chapter 31: Biological Warfare
Chapter 32: Chemical Injuries
Chapter 33: Pediatric care
Chapter 34: Care of Enemy Prisoners of War/Internees
Appendix 1: Principles of Medical Ethics
Appendix 2: Glasgow Coma Scale
Appendix 3: Theater Joint Trauma Record

Book details:
Author:Thomas E. Bowen
Publisher:Desert Pubns; 2nd U.S. revision edition &3rd U.S revision)
Size:1.63 MB(2nd revision ),9.8 MB(3rd revision)

(The 3rd revision9.8 MB)
Download(2nd revison 1.63 MB)

Morgan - Lange Clinical Anesthesiology free medical book download
Clinical Anesthesiology integrates succinct coverage of basic principles and clinical considerations in the anesthetic management of patients. It features up-to-date discussion of all relevant areas within anesthesiology, including equipment, pharmacology, regional anesthesia, pathophysiology, pain management, anesthetic management, and critical care. Extensive use of case discussions, figures, and tables in each chapter promotes application of the concepts to practice.

Table of contents:

Clinical Anesthesiology
1. The Practice of Anesthesiology
I. Anesthesia Equipment & Monitors
2. The Operating Room: Medical Gas Systems, Environmental Factors, & Electrical Safety
3. Breathing Systems
4. The AnesthesiaMachine
5. Airway Management
6. Patient Monitors
II. Clinical Pharmacology
7. Inhalational Anesthetics
8. Nonvolatile Anesthetic Agents
9. Neuromuscular Blocking Agents
10. Cholinesterase Inhibitors
11. Anticholinergic Drugs
12. Adrenergic Agonists & Antagonists
13. Hypotensive Agents
14. Local Anesthetics
15. Adjuncts to Anesthesia
III. Regional Anesthesia & Pain Management
16. Spinal, Epidural, & Caudal Blocks
17. Peripheral Nerve Blocks
18. Pain Management
IV. Physiology, Pathophysiology, & Anesthetic Management
19. Cardiovascular Physiology & Anesthesia
20. Anesthesia for Patients with Cardiovascular Disease
21. Anesthesia for Cardiovascular Surgery
22. Respiratory Physiology: The Effects of Anesthesia
23. Anesthesia for Patients with Respiratory Disease
24. Anesthesia for Thoracic Surgery
25. Neurophysiology & Anesthesia
26. Anesthesia for Neurosurgery
27. Anesthesia for Patients with Neurological & Psychiatric Diseases
28. Management of Patients with Fluid & Electrolyte Disturbances
29. Fluid Management & Transfusion
30. Acid--Base Balance
31. Renal Physiology & Anesthesia
32. Anesthesia for Patients with Renal Disease
33. Anesthesia for Genitourinary Surgery
34. Hepatic Physiology & Anesthesia
35. Anesthesia for Patients with Liver Disease
36. Anesthesia for Patients with Endocrine Disease
37. Anesthesia for Patients with Neuromuscular Disease
38. Anesthesia for Ophthalmic Surgery
39. Anesthesia for Otorhinolaryngological Surgery
40. Anesthesia for Orthopedic Surgery
41. Anesthesia for the Trauma Patient
42. Maternal & Fetal Physiology & Anesthesia
43. Obstetric Anesthesia
44. Pediatric Anesthesia
45. Geriatric Anesthesia
V. Special Problems
46. Anesthetic Complications

Book details:
Author:Morgan G. Edward, Mikhail Maged S., Murray Michael J.
Publisher:McGraw-Hill/Appleton & Lange; 3 edition
Size:25.1 MB


Extracorporeal Life Support free medical book download

This handbook is directed at intensivists, surgeons, pediatricians, residents, perfusionists, nurses and ECMO(extracorporeal membrane oxygenation) technologists involved in the care of patients with respiratory or cardiac failure which may require extracorporeal support. It provides specific information on the mechanics of ECMO, the equipment required, the physiology of extracorporeal support, and the management of patients supported on ECMO. Current results of ECMO and alternative support options are also reviewed in some chapters of this book. The authors' goal is to present clinically useful information in a manner that enables the reader to rapidly assess clinical situations, troubleshoot problems, and understand the expected results of therapy. Today, ECMO support has an important role in most major medical centers caring for critically-ill patients, whether for neonatal respiratory failure, cardiac failure, or for cardiopulmonary support after cardiac surgery or thoracic organ transplantation. No doubt new applications and refinements of this technology will appear in the future.

Table of contents:
Mechanical Ventilation
Extracorporeal Support
Principles of ECMO
Mechanics of ECMO
Safety/Monitoring Devices
Peripheral Access for ECMO Support
Applications and Management of ECMO
Special Management Issues in Caring for Patients of ECMO
Additional Management Issues
Alternative Treatments

Book details:
Author:Dan M. Meyer , Michael E. Jessen
Publisher:Landes Bioscience
Size:1,697 MB


Video-Assisted Thoracic Surgery (Vademecum) free medical book download

Product Details
Book Publisher: Landes Bioscience (01 June, 2001)
ISBN: 1570596328
Book author: Todd L. Demmy
Amazon Rating: 5.0

Book Description:
Univ. of Missouri, Columbia. Pocket medical handbook on video-assisted thoracic surgery. Provides a framework for clarifying confusion on issues such as patient positioning and airway management. The target readership of this handbook includes practicing surgeons, residents, medical students, operating room nurses, technicians, physician assistants, and administrative personnel interested in reducing cost and increasing efficiency while offering this relatively new technology. Halftone illustrations. Quick reference in outline format. Wire-spiral bound. DNLM: Thoracic Surgery, Video-Assisted.

Download - Part1 Part2

Advanced Peripheral Nerve Surgery and Minimal Invasive Spinal Surgery free medical book download

(Acta Neurochirurgica Supplementum)
Editors: A. Alexandre, A. Bricolo, H. Millesi

Publisher: Springer
Publication Date: 2005-04-20
ISBN: 3211233687

Book Description:
The papers in this volume summarize information about the most recent and effective techniques for treating diffcult functional problems and painful situations by using minimally invasive spinal surgery techniques. Spinal endoscopy both for diagnostic and treatment purposes is presented as well as microsurgical operations for spinal problems, intradiscal techniques for the treatment of disc degenerative pathology, and dynamic stabilization techniques together with an up-to-date review of physiopathology of the diseases. New trends in peripheral nerve surgery are presented. Also the problem of traumatic nerve lesions in different anatomical districts is analyzed with special attention on the theme of thoracic outlet syndrome. The posttraumatic aspects of this disease are discussed both in respect of its causative mechanisms, and its medicolegal aspects.

PDF, 2.5 Mb


Zollinger's Atlas of Surgical Operations free medical book download

Zollinger's Atlas of Surgical Operations
by Robert Milton Zollinger

Product Details
* Hardcover: 468 pages
* Publisher: McGraw-Hill Medical Publishing; 8th edition (January 2003)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 0071212507
* ISBN-13: 978-0071212502

Book Description

Provides succinct, accessible coverage of surgical trauma management
Puts hands-on guidelines at your fingertips
Features detailed illustrations depicting every important action a surgeon must consider while performing operations
Covers surgical anatomy… and vascular, gynecologic , gastrointestinal and miscellaneous abdominal procedures
Includes 11 new chapters treating the latest laparoscopic and stapling procedures and the newest surgical equipment and materials
And much more!


Defines the core of major general surgical procedures using well-established, safe techniques

With the publication of this Eighth Edition, this "gold standard" reference continues its 50-year tradition of excellence as the ultimate teaching atlas of surgery. The best way to keep up with the dynamic field of trauma surgery -- and to keep up-to-date answers nearby -- this compact resource gives you quick and definitive solutions.

Here’s why Zollinger’s Atlas of Surgical Operations remainsthe leader in the field!

Provides easy-to-follow, step-by-step detail for all gastrointestinal, vascular and gynecologic procedures -- in addition to all other procedures commonly performed by the general surgeon or surgical resident – in text and in hundreds of superb line drawings. Includes logorithmic treatment and diagnostic options Covers preoperative preparation and postoperative care…anesthesia…and ambulatory (or outpatient) surgery commonly performed for the repair of inguinal, femoral, and small umbilical hernias, breast biopsies and many other gynecologic procedures, excision of skin tumors, some plastic procedures as well as certain orthopedic and otolaryngologic procedures

Fully updated, this Eighth Edition:
Features 16 completely new plates and over 60 updated ones
Illustrates the newest techniques using laparoscopy
Provides completely new material on the open hernia procedure and the central node biopsy procedure
Describes methodologies for the latest stapling instruments
Details the use of the new biomaterials and radionuclide localization.


Crush Step 2: The Ultimate USMLE Step 2 Review free medical book download

Product Details
Book Publisher: Hanley & Belfus (30 November, 2002)
ISBN: 1560535423
Book author: Adam Brochert
Amazon Rating: 4.0

Book Description:
Written by Dr. Brochert, who scored in the 99th percentile in Steps1 and 2 of the U.S. Medical Licensing Exam (USMLE), this comprehensive, high-yield review book has been completely updated. It is cram packed with clinical information that has appeared on recent administrations of the USMLE Step 2, and will enable medical students to “crush the boards”. Step 2 questions are more relevant to the clinical practice of medicine and focus on what a first year resident should knowhow to diagnose, manage, and treat common diseases. Coverage includes epidemiology and biostatistics, pharmacology and microbiology, cardiac physiology, and basic EKG pathology. Knowing common and life-threatening diseases in the sub-specialties (orthopedics, urology, ophthalmology, neurosurgery, child psychiatry, vascular surgery, etc.) can increase one’s score substantially.


Vascular Surgery – Principles and Practice free medical book download

by Robert W. Hobson (Editor), Samuel Wilson (Editor), Frank J. Veith (Editor)

Publisher: Informa Healthcare
ISBN: 0824708199
Edition: 2003-10-15
Number of Pages: 1336

Book Description
This is the third edition of a text which analyzes non-invasive cerebrovascular diagnostic techniques and the design of clinical trials for the evaluation of new treatments and methodologies. It considers the regression and stabilization of atherosclerosis through therapy.
Book InfoNew Jersey Medical School, Newark. Presents a comprehensive overview on the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and therapeutic options for surgeons. Chapters are revised and updated and include such topics as assessment of vascular disease, medical treatment, endovascular intervention, peripheral occlusive disease, cerebrovascular disease, and more. Previous edition not cited.

PDF, 40Mb


Current Surgical Therapy free medical book download

Product Details
Book Publisher: Mosby (06 May, 2004)
ISBN: 0323025196
Book author: John L. Cameron
Amazon Rating: 5.0

Book Description:
The 8th Edition of this much-lauded reference of general and vascular surgery presents all-new coverage of contemporary management. 300 contributorsselected not only for their prominence in the field, but also for their active involvement in patient careoffer practice-proven approaches that reflect all of the scientific and technical advances of the last three years. Brief, focused chapters make this an ideal tool for board examinations and recertification as well as preparation before surgery. For faster reference, chapters follow a consistent format. 1,075 illustrations and diagrams make every nuance of technique easy to follow. Diagnosis and pathophysiology are discussed only to the extent that they affect treatment choices, enabling the text to focus on the hands-on, how-tos surgeons need.


Ultrasound for Surgeons free medical book download

In recent years, technology has revolutionized the practice of surgery. As
part of this change, surgeon-performed ultrasound has become one of the
most integral parts of the surgeon’s clinical practice. It is not surprising to
observe this current surge of interest in ultrasound by general surgeons because
surgeons are highly motivated to provide the best possible care for
their patients, including the use of the latest technologic advances in diagnosis
and treatment. Furthermore, ultrasound equipment is compact, affordable
and user-friendly so that extensive training is not required to master
focused ultrasound techniques. Cost containment initiatives by patients,
clinicians and third-party payers have encouraged the use of modalities, such
as ultrasound, that save time and money. Considering the unique qualities
of ultrasound...noninvasive, portable, rapid and easily repeatable..., ultrasound
is especially suitable to the surgeon’s practice. The FAST has replaced
central venous pressure measurements for the detection of hemopericardium
and diagnostic peritoneal lavage for the detection of hemoperitoneum. Bedside
ultrasound detects a pleural effusion so well in critically ill patients that fewer
lateral decubutis X-rays are ordered. Ultrasound directed biopsy of breast
lesions is a common office procedure. Laparoscopic ultrasound allows for
tumor staging without formal celiotomy while ultrasound is an adjunct to
many hepatic and pancreatic procedures. Endoscopic and endorectal ultrasound
have added a new dimension to the assessment and treatment of many
gastrointestinal lesions. Color-flow duplex imaging and endoluminal ultrasound
have significantly expanded the diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of
vascular imaging.

Book details:
Author:Heidi Frankel
Publisher:Landes Bioscience
Size:3,352 MB


Urodynamics free medical books download

Product Details
Book Publisher: Springer (21 December, 2005)
ISBN: 1852339241
Book author: Paul Abrams

Book Description:
Urodynamics 3rd edition takes into account the technological innovations and new techniques that have been introduced since the publication of the 2nd edition in 1997. A simple yet practical guide to the functional investigation of patients with incontinence and voiding disturbances, the text makes clear the fundamental and vital contribution of urodynamic investigation to the management of patients with lower urinary tract dysfunction.
The new terminology from the International Continence Society has been introduced, references fully updated and standardization reports in the Appendix completely revised. Urodynamics is now widely accepted and most hospitals now recognise it as an essential part of the diagnostic process in urology and gynecology. Specialists in geriatrics, pediatrics and neurology also appreciate the importance of urodynamics in the investigation of a large number of their patients.


Tips and Tricks in Laparoscopic Urology free medical book download

By Udaya Kumar and Inderbir S. Gill (Authors) ! ! ! ! !

Publisher: Springer
Publication Date: 2006-10-04
ISBN / ASIN: 1846281598

Book Description:
A compendium written by world leaders in laparoscopic urology from various teaching urological institutions in the US and UK who have contributed their tips and tricks in performing the various urologic procedures.
Each topic is limited to a few pages to produce a small and easy-to-read book. The book is extensively illustrated with line diagrams which are self-explanatory and greatly enhance the understanding various techniques, such as position of laparoscopic ports or technique of throwing a laparoscopic stitch.
Essential for urology residents, fellows, and practicing urologists, the book provides information that will be extremely useful in the performance of routine and advanced laparoscopic surgery, as well as when particular situations or difficult moments are encountered during surgery. While many journal articles may outline one author’s preference for a certain technique or trick, until now, there has been no compilation of the techniques of several authors. This handbook of tips and tricks from multiple specialists will be invaluable to residents and urologists already practicing laparoscopy.

PDF, 2Mb


WHO Classification of Tumours free medical book download

Product Details
Book Publisher: International Agency for Research on Cancer (February, 2004)
ISBN: 9283224159
Book author: John N. Eble, Guido Sauter, Jonathan I., M.D. Epstein

Book Description:
This new volume in the WHO series on histological and genetic typing of human tumours covers tumours of the kidney, the urinary system, the prostate, the testis and paratesticular tissue and the penis. Each entity is extensively discussed with information on clinicopathological, epidemiological, immunophenotypic and genetic aspects of these diseases. This book is an authoritative, concise reference, prepared by 131 authors from 22 countries. It contains more than 800 colour photographs, numerous MRIs, ultrasound images, CT scans, charts and 3000 references.
Format:PDF , 8,12 MB. Nephrology, Oncology, Urology


Female Urology, Urogynecology, and Voiding Dysfunction free medical book download

Product Details
Book Publisher: Informa Healthcare (11 August, 2005)
ISBN: 0849393604
Book author: Sandip P. Vasavada, Rodney Appell, Peter K. Sand, Shlomo Raz

Book Description:
Heavily illustrated for clear navigation and understanding of anatomical sites, surgical techniques, and reconstructive procedures, this reference studies the surgical and nonsurgical evaluation and management of various disorders affecting female urinary and pelvic health-collecting valuable recommendations, guidelines, and best practices from over 100 skilled authorities for expert guidance in the treatment of urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, and other dysfunctions.


Therapeutic Strategies in Prostate Cancer free medical book download

* Publisher: Not Avail
* Number Of Pages: 285
* Publication Date: 2007-12
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1904392881
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781904392880
* Binding: Hardcover

Product Description:
Prostate cancer accounts for nearly a quarter of all male cancers, and the incidence is rising as detection rates continue to improve, and life expectancy increases. Timely intervention affords a wider range of management options and in this new volume the editors review the choices available. In the first section lifestyle interventions, such as nutrition and screening, and evaluation of risk factors are discussed; then follows an update on management strategies for localised and locally advanced cancer in various risk groups, drawing on the results of the latest clinical trials.


Orthopedic Traumatology - A Resident's Guide free medical book download

Book Properties
ISBN: 3540290656
Title: Orthopedic Traumatology - A Resident's Guide
Author: David Ip
Publisher: Springer
Publication Date: 2006-03-16
Number Of Pages: 571

Book Description
In a very concise and extremely well organized manner Orthopedic Traumatology discusses the important principles underlying the management of orthopedic trauma, which has undergone significant changes recently. The book will benefit residents in orthopedics as well as orthopedic surgeons in developed and developing countries. It will help educate trainees in orthopedic surgery, nursing, physiotherapy and rehabilitation medicine as well as medical students. The book’s structure facilitates review of the material before board exams and the quick retrieval of information


Football Traumatology: Current Concepts: from Prevention to Treatment free medical book download

Football Traumatology: Current Concepts: from Prevention to Treatment
By P. Valpi

Publisher: Springer
Number Of Pages: 419
Publication Date: 2006-03-10
ISBN / ASIN: 8847004187

PDF, 5.5 Mb


Bridging Bench to Bedside in Fetal and Neonatal Brain Injury free medical book download

Publisher: S Karger Pub
Number Of Pages: 190
Publication Date: 2007-09-30
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 3805583192
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9783805583190
Binding: Paperback


Trauma and Substance Abuse: Causes, Consequences, and Treatment of Comorbid Disorders free medical book download

* Publisher: American Psychological Association (APA)
* Number Of Pages: 315
* Publication Date: 2002-11
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1557989389
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781557989383
* Binding: Hardcover

Product Description:
Trauma and Substance Abuse explores the underrecognized connection between trauma, substance use, and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Patients with trauma related distress such as PTSD often have comorbid substance use disorders (SUDs). This book presents cutting-edge research on how often the two disorders co-occur and why. Authors describe models of comorbidity and explore how specific PTSD and substance use symptoms are functionally related to each other.


Acute Brain and Spinal Cord Injury: Evolving Paradigms and Management free medical book download

* Publisher: Informa HealthCare
* Number Of Pages: 464
* Publication Date: 2008-03-19
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1420047949
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781420047943
* Binding: Hardcover

Product Description:
The clinical management of patients with acute brain and spinal cord injury has evolved significantly with the advent of new diagnostic and therapeutic modalities. Editors Bhardwaj and Kirsch offer you Management of Acute Brain and Spinal Cord Injury, a new stand-alone reference to help today's neurologists and neurosurgeons keep abreast of all the recent advancements in brain and spinal cord injury.


Traumatic Injury Research at NIOSH free medical book download

* Publisher: National Academies Press
* Number Of Pages: 224
* Publication Date: 2008-12-15
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0309125073
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780309125079

Product Description:
The occurrences of both injury and death that take place on the job are a significant public health problem in the United States, causing a substantial human and economic burden. "Traumatic Injury Research at NIOSH" is the sixth report in the series "Reviews of Research Programs" of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.


Grabb and Smith’s Plastic Surgery (Book with CD-ROM) free medical book download

Product Details
Book Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (15 January, 1997)
ISBN: 0316322555
Book author: Sherrell J., M.D. Aston, Robert W., M.D. Beasley, Charles H. M., M.D. Thorne, William

C. Grabb, James Walter Smith
Amazon Rating: 4.0

Doenload - Part1 Part2


The serial is RUSR23351

Grabb and Smith's Plastic Surgery free medical plastic surgery book download
By Charles H Thorne, Scott P Bartlett, Robert W Beasley, Sherrell J Aston, Geoffrey C Gurtner,

Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Number Of Pages: 960
Publication Date: 6th Edition, 2006
ISBN / ASIN: 0781746981

PDF, 45Mb


R.X. Xu - Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy (Karger 2004) free medical book download

Xu, Rong Xiang.
Burns regenerative medicine and therapy / Rong Xiang Xu; editor, Xia Sun; co-editor, Bradford S. Weeks;
collaboration of Mo Xiao ... [et al.].
p. ; cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 3-8055-7661-7 (hardcover)
1. Burns and scalds. 2. Burns and scalds--Treatment. 3. Wound healing. 4. Wounds and injuries. I. Sun, Xia.
II. Weeks, Bradford S. III. Title.
[DNLM: 1. Burns--therapy. 2. Wound Healing. 3. Complementary Therapies. 4. Ointments. 5. Sitosterols.
WO 704 X86b 2004]
RD96.4.X8 2004


R. Baran - Text Atlas of Nail Disorders, 3rd ed (Martin Dunitz 2003) free medical book download

© 1990, 1996, 2003, Martin Dunitz, a member of the Taylor & Francis Group
First published in the United Kingdom in 1990


P. Rich - An Atlas of Diseases of The Nail (Parthenon 2005) free medical book download

Published in the UK and Europe by
The Parthenon Publishing Group
23–25 Blades Court
Deodar Road
London SW15 2NU
An atlas of diseases of the nail/Phoebe Rich, R.K.Scher
p.; cm.—(The encyclopedia of visual medicine series)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 1-85070-595-X
1. Nails (Anatomy)—Diseases—Atlases. I. Title: Diseases of the nail. II. Rich,
Phoebe III. Title. IV. Series.
[DNLM: 1. Nail Diseases—diagnosis—Atlases. 2. Nail Diseases—therapy—Atlases. WR 17
S326a 2002]
RL165.S35 2002
616.5'47—dc21 2002025346
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
Rich, Phoebe—
An atlas of diseases of the nail
1. Nails (Anatomy)—Diseases
I. Title II. Scher, Richard K., 1929–
ISBN 0-203-49069-X Master e-book ISBN
ISBN 0-203-59671-4 (Adobe eReader Format)
ISBN 1-85070-595-X (Print Edition)


J.P. Barret Nerin - Principles and Practice of Burn Surgery (Marcel Dekker 2005) free medical book download

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress.
ISBN: 0-8247-5453-0
This book is printed on acid-free paper.
Marcel Dekker, 270 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016, U.S.A.
tel: 212-696-9000; fax: 212-685-4540
Distribution and Customer Service
Marcel Dekker, Cimarron Road, Monticello, New York 12701, U.S.A.
tel: 800-228-1160; fax: 845-796-1772


Bailey & Love’s Short Practice of Surgery free medical book download

Product Details
Book Publisher: A Hodder Arnold Publication (15 May, 2000)
ISBN: 0340759240
Book author: R. C. G. Russell, N. S. Williams, Chris J. Bulstrode
Amazon Rating: 4.5

Book Description:
Building on the firm foundations of the past twenty-two editions, this is a very thorough revision of this classic textbook. All sections have been revised and updated; in particular the chapters on trauma, orthopaedic surgery, plastic surgery, neurosurgery and maxillofacial surgery have been extensively rewritten under the direction of the new co-editor, Professor Christopher Bulstrode. New chapters have been added on the role of radiology in surgical practice, principles of laparoscopic surgery, clinical trials and statistical research, and surgical ethics. The book’s high standing and reputation for unambiguous advice makes it the first point of reference for many undergraduate and postgraduate students. This comprehensive text will also be of use to practising surgeons.


Crush Step 2: The Ultimate USMLE Step 2 free medical book download

Product Details
Book Publisher: Hanley & Belfus (30 November, 2002)
ISBN: 1560535423
Book author: Adam Brochert
Amazon Rating: 4.0

Book Description:
Written by Dr. Brochert, who scored in the 99th percentile in Steps1 and 2 of the U.S. Medical Licensing Exam (USMLE), this comprehensive, high-yield review book has been completely updated. It is cram packed with clinical information that has appeared on recent administrations of the USMLE Step 2, and will enable medical students to “crush the boards”. Step 2 questions are more relevant to the clinical practice of medicine and focus on what a first year resident should knowhow to diagnose, manage, and treat common diseases. Coverage includes epidemiology and biostatistics, pharmacology and microbiology, cardiac physiology, and basic EKG pathology. Knowing common and life-threatening diseases in the sub-specialties (orthopedics, urology, ophthalmology, neurosurgery, child psychiatry, vascular surgery, etc.) can increase one’s score substantially.


MRI Atlas: Orthopedics and Neurosurgery - The Spine free medical book download

By Martin Weyreuther, Christoph E. Heyde, Michael Westphal, Jan Zierski, Ulrich Weber,

Publisher: Springer
Publication Date: 2006-10-31
ISBN / ASIN: 3540335331

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Pediatric Neurosurgery free medical book download

Medical students and residents are often asked for a recommendation
of a pocket-sized pediatric neurosurgery text. We are delighted to be
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many collaborating authors, to become comfortable with the common problems
of pediatric neurosurgery in a single accessible book. hope that this
work will reflect well on our specialty and may,
perhaps, inspire an occasional student to delve a bit more deeply into a topic
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Book details:
Author:David Frim,Nalin Gupta
Publisher:Landes Bioscience
Size: 9,676 MB
Format: pdf


Neurophysiology in Neurosurgery: A Modern Intraoperative Approach free medical book download

By Vedran Deletis, Jay Shils,
Publisher: Academic Press
Number Of Pages: 512
Publication Date: 2002-08-12
ISBN / ASIN: 0122090365
EAN: 9780122090363

Book Description:
Through real-time assessments of how the patient's nervous system is functioning throughout a surgical procedure, Neurophysiology in Neurosurgery presents vital techniques to guide surgeons in their efforts to minimize the risks of unintentional damage to healthy nervous tissue. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the most up-to-date intraoperative neurophysiological techniques and guidelines for the managment of neuroanesthesia during MEP monitoring. Neurophysiology in Neurosurgery is a valuable educational tool that describes the theoretical and practical aspects of intraoperative monitoring through example.

Neurophysiology in Neurosurgery is a valuable educational tool that describes the theoretical and practical aspects of intraoperative monitoring through example. The authors provide in-depth descriptions of the most advanced techniques in intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring and guidelines for the management of neuroanesthesia during MEP monitoring.
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file size: RAR = 2x50MB + 38MB / PDF = 141 MB) - Part1 Part2 Part3

Acoustic Neuroma, An Issue of Neurosurgery Clinics (The Clinics: Surgery) free medical book download

Publisher: Saunders
Number Of Pages: 240
Publication Date: 2008-06-27
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1416050949
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781416050940
Binding: Hardcover

Product Description:
Topics include a selection of classic articles covering the optimal treatments for vestibular schwannoma by experts in the field: Microsurgical Anatomy of Acoustic Neuroma; Imaging of Acoustic Neuromas; Conservative Management of Acoustic Neuromas; Selection of Surgical Approach to Acoustic Neuroma.


Tissue Surgery (New Techniques in Surgery Series) free medical book download

Tissue Surgery (New Techniques in Surgery Series)
By Maria Z. Siemionow

Publisher: Springer
Number Of Pages: 160
Publication Date: 2005-12-16
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1852339705
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781852339708
Binding: Hardcover

A definitive summary of novel techniques, this 1st volume in the New Technologies Series details the most current and multidisciplinary approach to new technologies used in general plastic, hand, peripheral nerve, microsurgery, breast, esthetic, and trauma surgery and provides an overview of the most important and clinically relevant plastic surgery research. New surgical images of new surgical approaches are all accompanied with anatomical descriptions. In a novel way it contains endoscopic images from minimally invasive procedures and provides the most current overview of the leading trends in plastic surgery research. Presenting newly developing clinically relevant techniques and technologies, this book aims to stimulate the reader to look at future advances and applications of research and their relevance to daily clinical practice. Appropriate for different sub-specialties not only in plastic surgery but also in orthopedics and neurosurgery, this book will also be of great interest to trainee surgeons.

Self-Assessment Colour Review of Rabbit Medicine and Surgery free medical book download

* Publisher: Manson Publishing Ltd
* Number Of Pages: 192
* Publication Date: 2006-06-16
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1840760729
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781840760729
* Binding: Paperback


Essentials of Avian Medicine and Surgery free medical book download

* Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
* Number Of Pages: 392
* Publication Date: 2007-12-05
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1405157550
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781405157551
* Binding: Paperback

Product Description:
Essentials of Avian Medicine and Surgery is designed as a concise quick reference for the busy practitioner and animal nurse. Eminently practical, this classic avian text is prized for its down-to-earth approach.
* new contributions from world renowned experts in avian medicine
* new chapter on the special senses of birds, an understanding of which is crucial when giving advice on avian welfare problems
* fully up-to-date on the latest diagnostic and imaging techniques
* avian zoonotics are highlighted in infectious diseases section


Surgical Anatomy and Technique: A Pocket Manual free medical book download

* Paperback: 696 pages
* Publisher: Springer; 3rd ed. edition (December 18, 2008)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 0387095144
* ISBN-13: 978-0387095141
* Product Dimensions: 8 x 5.4 x 1.4 inches

Product Description
The success of any operative procedure is dependent, in part, on the surgeon’s knowledge of anatomy. From the first incision to closure of the wound, it is essential to understand the fascial layers, blood supply, lymphatic drainage, nerves, muscles and organs relevant to the operative procedure. Surgical Anatomy and Technique: A Pocket Manual covers the anatomic regions pertinent to general surgeons and also describes the most commonly performed general surgical techniques.


Outcomes of Skin Surgery: A Concise Visual Aid free medical book download

* Publisher: Informa HealthCare
* Number Of Pages: 204
* Publication Date: 2008-09-04
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0415470382
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780415470384

Product Description:
There is a great need for a visual resource to document, with clarity, the possible outcomes of surgery, including side effects and complications, and how these outcomes vary from individual to individual. Using a straightforward approach, Outcomes of Skin Surgery: A Concise Visual Aid is an easy-to-consult and highly illustrated reference for surgeons and patients alike.


Treatment and Management of Bladder Cancer free medical book download

* Publisher: Informa HealthCare
* Number Of Pages: 246
* Publication Date: 2008-09-25
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0415462177
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780415462174

Product Description:
This second edition is expertly updated and follows the same easy to read format as the previous edition.


Therapeutic Exercise: Foundations and Techniques free medical book download

* Publisher: F. A. Davis Company
* Number Of Pages: 800
* Publication Date: 2007-04-20
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0803615841
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780803615847
* Binding: Hardcover

Product Description:
Now even more extensively illustrated, it provides principles of therapeutic exercise and manual therapy. It describes pathologic conditionsand surgical procedures commonly encountered by therapists in the clinical setting. This renowned manual remains the authoritative source for exerciseinstruction for the therapist and for patient self management.


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