Accompanying CD-ROM contains PUFF RF/Microwave circuit simulation software, Sonnet Lite electromagnetic simulation software, National's PLL Design Program, and Agilent's AppCad circuit design program.
More details

Designed specifically for the many non-electronic engineers employed in the semiconductor industry who need to reliably manufacture chips at a high rate in large quantities, this is a practical guide to how CMOS electronics work, how failures occur, and how to diagnose and avoid them.
Key features:
The Most Comprehensive Red Hat Linux Resource Available
Master Red Hat Linux--including version 7.2--using this authoritative reference. Linux guru Richard Petersen provides details on networking, kernel management, Internet servers, system administration, and much more. You'll also get full coverage of Internet clients, office suites, file systems, firewalls, encryption, and access to Windows networks (Samba). Understand the workings of the GNOME 1.4 and the Nautilus file manager as well as KDE 2.2. Clearly and logically organized, this resource explains the different ways of setting up Red Hat Linux as a desktop workstation, a network workstation, or an administrative platform. Plus, the bonus CD-ROM includes the publisher's version of Red Hat Linux 7.2.
"100 Linux Tips and Tricks" is divided into 5 chapters. Each chapter covers a specific topic:
The third edition of "Understanding the Linux Kernel" takes you on a guided tour of the most significant data structures, algorithms, and programming tricks used in the kernel. Probing beyond superficial features, the authors offer valuable insights to people who want to know how things really work inside their machine. Important Intel-specific features are discussed. Relevant segments of code are dissected line by line. But the book covers more than just the functioning of the code; it explains the theoretical underpinnings of why Linux does things the way it does.
This edition of the book covers Version 2.6, which has seen significant changes to nearly every kernel subsystem, particularly in the areas of memory management and block devices. The book focuses on the following topics:
Memory management, including file buffering, process swapping, and Direct memory Access (DMA)
The Virtual Filesystem layer and the Second and Third Extended Filesystems
Process creation and scheduling
Signals, interrupts, and the essential interfaces to device drivers
Synchronization within the kernel
Interprocess Communication (IPC)
Program execution
"Understanding the Linux Kernel" will acquaint you with all the inner workings of Linux, but it's more than just an academic exercise. You'll learn what conditions bring out Linux's best performance, and you'll see how it meets the challenge of providing good system response during process scheduling, file access, and memory management in a wide variety of environments. This book will help you make the most of your Linux system.
About the Author
Daniel P. Bovet got a Ph.D. in computer science at UCLA in 1968 and is now full Professor at the University of Rome, "Tor Vergata," Italy. He had to wait over 25 years before being able to teach an operating system course in a proper manner because of the lack of source code for modern, well-designed systems. Now, thanks to cheap PCs and to Linux, Marco and Dan are able to cover all the facets of an operating system from booting to tuning and are able to hand out tough, satisfying homework to their students. (These young guys working at home on their PCs are really spoiled; they never had to fight with punched cards.) In fact, Dan was so fascinated by the accomplishments of Linus Torvalds and his followers that he spent the last few years trying to unravel some of Linux's mysteries. It seemed natural, after all that work, to write a book about what he found. Marco Cesati received a degree in mathematics in 1992 and a Ph.D. in computer science (University of Rome, "La Sapienza") in 1995. He is now a research assistant in the computer science department of the School of Engineering (University of Rome, "Tor Vergata"). In the past, he served as system administrator and Unix programmer for the university (as a Ph.D. student) and for several institutions (as a consultant).
Patrick Volkerding and Kevin Reichard have struck a workable balance in Linux System Commands, a reference that provides brief descriptions and commonly used command-line options for end users. The entries are not intended to be exhaustive, and more information on any command can be obtained by using the online man pages. The command list is, likewise, limited to commands that end users will need, according to the authors' opinion. System administrators who need rapid access to descriptions of more sophisticated commands, such as routed, will have to seek other references, such as Scott Hawkins's fine Linux Desk Reference.
Part I, which comprises 50 pages, is highlighted by two tables that map common end-user needs onto the appropriate Linux command. The first table correlates a routine task with its Linux command, and the second table correlates MS-DOS commands with their Linux equivalents. The first contains many relatively obscure Linux commands that deserve browsing. For instance, rev reverses character order on each line of a file--an uncommon need, but useful in context.
Part II, the main commands reference, is divided into seven topical areas: general (including X11), file management, text processing, Internet/e-mail, programming, networking, and MS-DOS tools. Each chapter is composed of alphabetized, one-page synopses of the major commands. For brevity, examples of command use are omitted from the synopses.
Part III, which covers Linux shells, is so brief as to be inconsequential.
Commands references are not without their allegiances. Volkerding, who maintains the Slackware distribution of Linux, includes a description of installpkg, the Slackware package installer, but omits rpm, the rival Red Hat package manager, from his list. Betraying sympathies for Macintosh, Volkerding and Reichard emphasize Linux commands that control HFS, the Macintosh file system.
Linux System Commands should be left in a place where you are likely to browse it peacefully on a daily basis, if only for 5 or 10 minutes at a time. It also would do well next to your computer. --Peter Leopold
Book Description
Can't remember the Linux command that will propel your project forward? If you're new to the world of Linux or just need some quick phrases, Linux System Commands is your one-stop reference for all Linux commands:
Large IPv6 production deployments worldwide are proof that the transition to the next generation of the IP protocol is no longer merely a prediction-IPv6 is now touching all aspects of IP networking and communications. Therefore, understanding the technology and being able to plan, design, and deploy IPv6 services are necessary skills for networking professionals.
Deploying IPv6 Networks is an essential guide to IPv6 concepts, service implementation, and interoperability in existing IPv4 environments. You-ll learn about IPv6 as a mature technology ready for deployment. Deploying IPv6 Networks goes beyond addressing the basics of IPv6 yet remains accessible to readers unfamiliar with the protocol. With this book in hand, you will learn how to plan, design, deploy, and manage IPv6 services.
Deploying IPv6 Networks opens with an updated -Case for IPv6-: a review of the IPv4 challenges and the IPv6 opportunities. It then covers the IPv6 concepts related to IP services provided in real networks. Relevant features and corresponding configuration examples are presented in a deployment context as they are applied to the various segments of the network. The IPv6 knowledge accumulated in the first part of the book is revisited in Part II, where it is leveraged in concrete and usable examples that cover most common network environments: MPLS service provider, IP service provider, and enterprise.
The structure of Deploying IPv6 Networks enables you to use it as a reference for specific aspects of IPv6, as a technology study guide, or as a design guide for deploying IPv6. You-ll also find that the presentation approach enables you to leverage your IPv4 experience to quickly become knowledgeable and proficient with the concepts of IPv6.