Product Details
- Paperback: 933 pages
- Publisher: Osborne/McGraw-Hill (March 8, 2002)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0072134852
- ISBN-13: 978-0072134858
NET and one of its programming languages, C#, are slowly becoming more popular. Learn To Program teaches C# to beginners with no programming experience, moving through the process of developing a real-world application as a class project. From ascertaining user needs through auditing results, it demonstrates application development. In Chapter 1, the author shows how to design and build on familiar concepts rather than jump into coding basic programs. Allowing readers to simulate the classroom experience and learn more naturally, Learn To Program is recommended where C and C++ titles circulate. Teach Yourself is a more traditional self-study guide for beginners with some programming experience. It opens with a description of C#'s attributes and a demonstration of writing and compiling a basic "Hello, World!" program, before building up to more advanced topics. Chapter Q&As, quizzes, and exercises and weekly reviews aid understanding, and useful appendixes contain keywords, command-line compiler flags, and number systems. For medium and larger libraries. More thoroughly serving intermediate programmers, Complete Reference is the only one of these three to ask readers to purchase Visual Studio .NET. Appendixes address XML comments and robotics, and example source code is available online.
Book Description
Learn everything you need to know about Microsoft’s new programming language for the .NET platform. Programming guru and best-selling author Herb Schildt presents not only code but valuable insight into best programming practices, so you can implement C# effectively.