Product Details
- Paperback
- Publisher: SYS-CON Books (2007)
- ISBN-10: 097776222X
I was already sold on Flex, and was pretty experienced with it and was looking for an advanced book. So I didn't find the first 200 or so pages that helpful. Chapters 1-4 (Introduction to other RIAs, Getting Familiar with Flex, Flex Builder environment, and a simple Flex app) really weren't appropriate for a book purported to be for professionals, in my opinion.
The treatment on Java integration wasn't what I expected, although most of it was still interesting and helpful.
The second half of the book really shines, and more than makes up for any of its shortcomings (and more than justifies the price as well). The treatment of creating advanced custom Flex components is excellent. The authors walk you through the creation of several advanced components that are in and of themselves very useful, as are the concepts covered.
Their coverage of several other advanced topics (debugging, charts, integrating with external applications) was not only helpful, but not really covered anywhere I've been able to find online (although that may have changed in the past 4 months since I purchased the book).
I'd definitely recommend this book to others.