- Paperback: 272 pages
- Publisher: Apress; 1 edition (October 16, 2006)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1590596676
Ajax breathes new life into web applications by transparently communicating and manipulating data in conjunction with a server-based technology. Of all the server-based technologies capable of working in conjunction with Ajax, perhaps none are more suitable than PHP, the world’s most popular scripting language.
Beginning Ajax with PHP: From Novice to Professional is the first book to introduce how these two popular technologies can work together to create next-generation applications. Author Lee Babin covers what you commonly encounter in daily web application development tasks, and shows you how to build PHP/AJAX-enabled solutions for forms validation, file upload monitoring, database-driven information display and manipulation, web services, Google Maps integration, and more. Youll learn how to
- Take advantage of PHP and advanced JavaScript capabilities to create next-generation, highly responsive Web applications.
- Enhance commonplace application tasks such as forms validation and tabular data display.
- Manage cross-browser issues, ensuring your applications run on all major Web browsers.
- Take advantage of the Google Maps API and add spatial mapping features to your website.
Youll also be introduced to other key topics like conquering cross-platform issues, countering potential security holes, and testing and debugging JavaScript with efficiency. All examples are based on real-world scenarios, so youll be able to apply what you learn to your own development situations.
About the Author
Lee Babin is a programmer based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, where he serves as the Chief Programmer for an innovative development firm duly named The Code Shoppe. He has been developing complex web driven applications since his graduation from DeVry University in early 2002 and has since worked on over 50 custom websites and online applications. Lee is married to a beautiful woman by the name of Dianne, who supports him in his rather full yet rewarding work schedule. He enjoys video games, working out, martial arts, and traveling, and can usually be found working online on one of his many fun web projects at any given time.While Lee has experience in a multitude of web programming languages, his preference has always been PHP. With the release of PHP 5, many of his wishes have been fulfilled.

- Hardcover: 936 pages
- Publisher: Apress (March 27, 2006)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1590596331
I would highly recommend this as a resource for any developers who want to really dig in and solidify their working knowledge of PHP and web services, or just want to explore the nuances and complexities of XML DTDs and namespaces.
— Nathan Smith, Godbit Project
Pro PHP XML and Web Services is the authoritative guide to using the XML features of PHP 5 and PHP 6. No other book covers XML and Web Services in PHP as deeply as this title. The first four chapters introduce the core concepts of XML required for proficiency, and will bring you up to speed on the terminology and key concepts you need to proceed with the rest of the book. Next, the book explores utilizing XML and Web Services with PHP5. Topics include DOM, SimpleXML, SAX, xmlReader, XSLT, RDF, RSS, WDDX, XML-RPC, REST, SOAP, and UDDI.
Author Robert Richards, a major contributor to the PHP XML codebase, is a leading expert in the PHP community. In this book, Richards covers all topics in depth, blending theory with practical examples. Youll find case studies for the most popular web services like Amazon, Google, eBay, and Yahoo. The book also covers XML capabilities, demonstrated through informative examples, in the PEAR libraries.
About the Author
Robert Richards, currently an independent contractor, has worked in various fields including Medical Information, Telecommunications, Media and E-Learning. Having been exposed to XML since its inception and used for various projects during his career, his most extensive work with the technology was within the E-Learning space. He helped created a proprietary XML based application server which used XML for data publishing, defining application business logic as well as data querying. He was also the lead engineer for the company’s involvement in SCORM (Shareable Content Object Reference Model), used for Web based learning, established by the Department of Defense through its Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) initiative.
After becoming the latest casualty of the “dot-com” implosion in 2001, Rob had his first taste of PHP and began contributing code to the domxml extension in 2002. Since then he became one of the authors of the DOM extension for PHP 5, contributes to the other XML based extensions and has authored the xmlReader, for PHP 5, and xmlwriter, for PHP 4.3+, extensions. Also on occasion, he contributes bug fixes to the libxml2 project found during the development of these extensions.